
Tuesday 30 April 2013

Script Draft

My name is Scott Madison, I'm just your average geeky schoolboy who doesn't have many friends. It's not like I didn't try to fit in.. I did but, it just didn't work out very well.  (all this during shots of school)

In school, people saw me as a quiet guy, who probably spends most of his weekends helping tidy the house with his mum or trying to make new friends on xbox. and the thing is.. they were right! They WERE right, not anymore. In the eyes of fellow classmates I was still that geeky kid who had no life outside of school. but what they didn't know was that I had been pushing myself to my very limits, persevering and working so hard, so so hard to be the best I could be. I wasn't working hard to be the best I could be in school, this was something much bigger.

Theres's so much trouble and crime in society today and far too often we do not see these criminals be brought to justice. For example, in the UK alone there have been no charges for over 10,000 violent crimes! 10,000! Is this what our society has come to? people constantly living in fear? Someone needs to stand up to the injustice in society, the people need to feel safe, the people need protection, the people need... a hero.

To get to where I am now was not an easy task, picking the right costume, the right equipment, and the time to train.. but I have to admit.. I am pretty awesome!

Endless days and nights with barely any sleep studying all the superheroes and the way a superhero was perceived to look by the public, that was the level I had to get to. I may not have looked like bruce wayne or move like peter parker, but I am inspired by them to help society and to stop crime! Sure Kick-ass didn't look like much of a superhero but he still made a difference.

At the time all of this seemed impossible, my life has changed in so many ways, and there is no going back to the way things used to be. I was Scott Madison.. I was a nobody.. but now, although nobody is aware of it, I am a somebody, I am the red hawk! and this is my story..

Sunday 28 April 2013

Fourth Filming Date

Fourth Filming Date

Date: Wednesday 1st May

Time: 12:30pm

Location: Rathmore Grammar School 

During this filming date, we are going to be recording the non-diegetic voiceover which will dominate over the video project. We will be using an iPhone 4S for the voice recording and Gavin will be doing the voice over. We will be using an interview room in the school do to the quiet nature.

Saturday 27 April 2013

Third Filming Date

Third Filming Date

Date: Tuesday 30th April

Time: 3:30pm 

Location: Rathmore Grammar School / Castle Gardens Lisburn

During this filming date, we shall film our green screen attempts as well as the wide shots used in the scene at Castle Gardens. We shall also film the protagonist entering the shop to buy the costume, and then leaving with a bag in his hand. This will be the final scene we need to film for the movie. All the equipment required is in Rathmore Grammar School.

Posted By - Eoin Lavery

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Updates - Recording

After starting our recordings the first week into march, we decided that we would have to reshoot everything we did, which wasn't very much on the first day. We started recording using a camera we had borrowed from school but after much discussion within the group we decided we would used the camera off an iPhone of one of the members in our group, as the iPhone has better quality and is much handier for using in regard to having to borrow a camera and share it with another group. We started recording then on the week starting the 18th of March. Firstly we recorded the parts that we could get done in school during our media studies classes, although some of them may need to be rerecorded. On the 28th of March our group went into town to buy our costume and props, that are a massive part of our movie. The main character of our movie Gavin Fitzpatrick also came with us to make sure the costume we were getting was his size and would fit him. The following wednesday (3rd of April) our group again got together and went to film in our location of Crumlin, where one of the members of our group Matt lives. We started recording at 2 o'clock, and we filmed numerous parts of the movie throughout the day. We had a big problem to overcome during our film when Matt fell and badly injured his leg, as he had to leave to go to the hospital with 2 hours to spare. The other members of our group and our actor Gavin had to improvise, and did so well to film more shots of the movie before finishing for the day. We had planned to record again the next day but were prevented to do so because of Matt's injury. Our plan has always been to record all of our shooting first, then simply add in a voiceover over the top after.