
Friday 1 March 2013

Storyboard Draft

Storyboard picture 1- dark empty street straight down, still long shot.

picture 2- him lying in bed thinking- Mid shot, slight aerial shot.

picture 3- him in school going up and trying to talk to a girl, tracking shot whilst walking and then mid shot whilst talking to her, shot stays on him as girl walks away and focus pull used on girl so boy is in focus.

picture 4- long shot of him walking down corridor and a boy shoving him as he walks by and all others are laughing at him.

picture 5- shots of news on tv, framed shots and then long shot of him watching it and his reaction.

picture 6- him watching superhero movies on laptop or tv, mid shot over-the -shoulder and then focus pull to poster on a wall to show his love for justice and good.

picture 7- him online ordering and looking at costumes- mid shot.

picture 8- door bell ringing and tracking mid shot of him running down the stairs collecting the parcel and signing it frantically.

picture 9- jump cut to him putting on costume in mirror and looking terrible, long shot so whole body is in and him practising with weapon in room. framed point of view shot of mum looking in room and nodding in disapproval whilst he is trying all the moves. (walking up with washing basket).

picture 10- him outside practising in the building site and falling and getting caught on things and falling and hitting himself with the nun chucks.

picture 11- over the shoulder shot of him in his bedroom looking out the window as the sun goes down, with bearded dragon on his shoulder.

picture 12- him saying things have changed, mid shot of him crouching on a wall watching men break into a car, deep focus.

picture 13- close up of him pulling mask down on new and improved costume then titles appear.


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